The Saint Ann Art and Environment Committee (AEC) is a sub-committee under the direction of the Director of Liturgy and Music. The AEC is designed to provide direct support for creating and maintaining an appropriate, reverent, and prayerful environment in the Sanctuary, Nave, Narthex, and Saint Joachim’s Chapel. Utilizing the rubrics and documentation of the Church along with traditionally established norms and the seasonal traditions of the liturgical year, the ministry provides the following support: organizes the decoration and maintenance for the church environment throughout the liturgical year; plans major liturgical seasons and sacramental celebrations. Unlike many ministries which have a regular schedule throughout the year, the AEC tends to be more seasonal. The Director of Liturgy and Music will contact interested members and place a general call for assistance at particular times of the year where extra help may be needed or when an event or need arises.
Raymond Santiago
Call: 239-262-4256
Email: liturgy@naplesstann.com