What is Stewardship?
It is a call to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The sharing of time, talent, and treasure as a way of life. Thank you for sharing your time and talent at Saint Ann! Here’s how…
Checklist for all Stewards:
Complete a Steward Application Form and the Attestation of Good Moral Character Form. Return these forms to the parish office.
Safe Environment Training: The Diocese of Venice has recently implemented an online version of the Safe Environment Training Program. Please visit Virtus Online to register and take the course.
Register as a Saint Ann volunteer HERE.
Forward your Volgistics registration Confirmation email to:
Nancy Stec at secretary@naplesstann.com.
This will allow Mrs. Stec to reply back with your 4-digit sign-in/sign-out code. You will need this code to log in as well as out at the Apple iPad located at the Parish Office, Church, Rooney Hall, and Jubilee Center.
Those who come in contact with children and vulnerable adults will be required to be fingerprinted. Click here to be registered for fingerprinting.
Username: diov
Password: Password1