O Lord, my God. I cried out to you and you healed me. (Psalms 30:2)
Bereavement Outreach is to actively support endeavors that aid in the healing of those who mourn a loved one, while understanding the individual concerns of each bereaved person.
Bereavement – Coping with a Loss of a Loved One
O Lord, my God. I cried out to you and you healed me. (Psalms 30:2)
Bereavement Outreach is to actively support endeavors that aid in the healing of those who mourn a loved one, while understanding the individual concerns of each bereaved person.
Coping with a Loss of a Loved One:
This group will serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved through the stages of their grief. Contact Cathie Mollo at (239) 435-0873 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required!
Bereavement Two – This Group is normally for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Laurel Wreath Group meets on the first Tuesday of every month starting in October. The Laurel Wreath Group meets in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4pm to 5pm. Contact Mrs. Tina Tyler at 239-682-2032 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required!
Cathy Mollo and Tina Tyler
Call: 239-435-0873 or 239-682-2032