A Sacristan is a member of the parish who is responsible for preparing the church for Mass and special liturgies. The sacristan ensures that all necessary items are available and in their proper place, such as turning on the lights and getting the bread and wine ready before mass. Some other responsibilities of a Sacristan are: care and maintenance of the sacristy for liturgical ceremony, assisting the priests as they ready for Mass, and ensuring Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Acolytes are present and ready before Mass begins. Qualifications necessary to be a good Sacristan include: A practicing adult Catholic who has received Confirmation and is able to show responsibility, knowledge and dedication to the liturgy; commitment to fostering volunteer participation within all groups and Masses; ability and willingness to commit to one weekend per month for Mass and during special liturgical seasons; attention to detail; excellent communication skills. If you are interesting in becoming part of the Sacristan Team, please contact Father John or Ray Santiago in the Parish Office.
Father Bill Davis, OSFS and Ray Santiago
Call: 239-262-4256
Email: liturgy@naplesstann.com