St. Ann Church – Address 985 Third Street South – Naples Fl 34102
Parish Office – Open M-F 8am – 4pm – Address: 475 9th Ave Naples Fl 34102
After Hours Number: 239-435-4472
New Members: To those of you who are new to Naples or to the parish, welcome to Saint Ann! We are an active and vibrant parish. To initiate the registration process, please register on our website at: naplesstann.com. You may alternately complete a form and drop it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Any usher will be happy to show you where the forms are located.
To All Registered Parishioners: Weekly donations are tracked through the envelope system, that is, through your parish registration number. This is one reason we encourage all to register with us regardless of whether you are full-time or seasonal parishioners. Please call the parish office if your address changes. This saves us postage and keeps our census up-to-date. It may take up to eight weeks to make changes. Thank you.
Marriage: Couples wishing to marry must meet with a priest before setting a date and at least six months in advance of an anticipated wedding in order to complete the preparation process. For residents of Collier County, one member of the engaged couple must already be a registered Saint Ann parishioner for at least six months before the couple can make a request to be married here. A couple may also request to be married here if a parent or grandparent of either the bride or groom is a regular practicing parishioner. In this case they must have the permission of both their Pastor/Administrator and the Pastor of Saint Ann and will usually complete their marriage preparation in their parish of origin. Contact: Saint Ann Parish Office at 239-262-4256.
Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact Dr. Sue Ellen Nolan at the Faith Formation Office at least three months prior to the planned Baptism 239-262-4256 Ext.203 or faithformation@naplesstann.com. Godparent documentation must be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism. Parishioners requesting Infant Baptism for the first time at St. Ann’s parish are to attend and complete a required, scheduled parish Baptismal Preparation Class. If for some reason, the parents are unable to attend the required class, they are to contact the Faith Formation Office to reschedule the date of the Baptism until a time after this requirement is met. Infant Baptism is held outside Sunday Mass. Children over 7 are normally baptized through the RCIA process which culminates at Easter.